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Studies for Practical Players
Titel: Studies for Practical Players
Auteur: Dvoretsky M. & Pervakov O.
Uitgever: Russel
Jaartal: 2009
Taal: Engels
Aantal pagina's:   211
Verkoopprijs:   € 22.95
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Studies for Practical Players

Improving Calculation and Resourcefulness in the Endgame

Nowadays, chessplayers spend almost all their free time preparing openings, and rarely spend the time necessary to perfect the vitally important technique of calculating. Regular training in solving and playing out endgames studies is a good recipe for eliminating that shortcoming.

This training is directed at developing resourcefulness, fantasy (in chess, these qualities are called "combina­tive acuity"), and the readiness to sacrifice material, in pursuit of the goal - winning!

How do we develop good habits of winning endgame play? There are lots of manuals; but this may be the first in which a famous practical player, a trainer with a world-renowned name, and a study composer who has earned the title of International Grandmaster of Compo­sition, share their views in one and the same book.

Join one of the world's premiere chess instructors, along with one of the most respected grandmasters of endgame study composition, as they take a journey through the wonderful world of endgame studies, a journey that will instruct and inspire you.


Back in 1910, the classic study composer Alexei Troitsky wrote: "A study is the more valuable, the more complex it is - the richer in ideas. The most attractive aspect of chess is the struggle. This is what one must strive chiefly to depict, by leaving the defeated side as many defensive resources as possible in the course of the solution."

There are studies which are so close to actual play that it seems we are observing the ending of some actual game. Such studies have special value, and are rightly reserved a place in chess manuals. Their characteristic form makes them easier to remember; and in them, one may find together a whole row of interesting ideas and positions with great practical value.

Today's generation of chessplayers no longer knows what an adjourned game is. As a consequence, they no longer have the opportunity of thoroughly analyzing the endgame they have reached (middlegame positions do not often remain on the board for 40 moves) in a quiet setting. Now, when the outcome of a game is not infrequently decided under the constraint of extremely limited time, the ability to orient oneself unfailingly in the endgame has become practically a priceless quality for the chessplayer.

How do we develop habits of endgame play? There are lots of manuals, but this may be the first in which a famous practical player, a trainer with a world-renowned name, and a study composer with an International Grandmaster of Composition's title share their views in one and the same book.

Mark Dvoretsky has employed studies in his trainer's career for more than 30 years. Many grandmasters have achieved considerable success in their careers thanks to his methods. Oleg Pervakov came to the field of composition through practical play, whose principles he has always striven to follow in his creative work.

The impulse for writing this book was given by the article, "Studies From My Notebook," and the international composing tournament, "Studies For Practical Players," dedicated to Mark Dvoretsky's 60th birthday. The tournament was a success: 25 notable compositions were annotated by the arbiters, among whose ranks were the authors of this book.

The book itself consists of several chapters, united by the title, "Studies For Practical Players." Examples that most closely resemble "battlefield conditions," where both sides must resolve interesting tasks, are provided to serve as exercises for your own solving, or for playing out. Separate chapters are devoted to the creative work of the famous Austrian study-composer Alois Wotawa and to that of practical players, including the world champions.

Oleg Pervakov

Moscow, July 2009

005 Foreword by Jan Timman

007 Introduction by Oleg Pervakov

Part 1: International Composing Tournament

Chapter 1

008 Mark Dvoretsky: Studies From My Notebook

008 "A Small Genre"

009 Endgame Studies

014 A Difficult Choice

015 Playing Out Studies

020 Two-Sided Play-outs

Chapter 2

024 Oleg Pervakov: Tournament Results

025 Prizes

030 Special Prizes

038 Honorable Mentions

045 Commendations

Part 2: Two Study Themes

Chapter 3

052 Oleg Pervakov: Left Bank, Right Bank

Chapter 4

061 Oleg Pervakov: Ours among Strangers; A Stranger among Us

Part 3: Training

Chapter 5

080 Mark Dvoretsky: Studies by Wotawa

087 Solutions

Chapter 6

103 Mark Dvoretsky: Challenge to a Duel

103 Sacrifice - or be sacrificed!

110 Accurate calculation

137 Strategic Studies

143 Endgame Studies

153 Cooked Studies

Part 4: From Steinitz to Morozevich

Chapter 7

163 Oleg Pervakov: Studies by Practical Players

163 At the Summit of Olympus

164 Wilhelm Steinitz

164 Emanuel Lasker

165 Jose-Raul Capablanca

165 Alexander Alekhine

166 Max Euwe

167 Mikhail Botvinnik

168 Vassily Smyslov

173 Mikhail Tal

174 Anatoly Karpov

Grandmaster Study-Composers

176 Siegbert Tarrasch

178 Oldrich Duras

180 Richard Reti

183 Aron Nimzovich

183 Nicholas Rossolimo

186 Paul Keres

188 David Bronstein

189 Yuri Averbakh

190 Igor Zaitsev

191 Pal Benko

195 The Polgar Sisters

197 Jan Timman

200 Daniel Stellwagen

201 John Nunn

202 Jonathan Speelman

203 Valery Salov

204 Alexei Shirov

205 Vladimir Akopian

206 Alexander Morozevich


207 Alexander Beljavsky/Adrian Mikhalchishin

209 Boris Gelfand / Emil Sutovsky


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