1.d4 - volume two
King's Indian, Dutch, Grunfeld, various Benonis, Benko ...
Publisher's Foreword
Creating the Grandmaster Repertoire series seemed a natural idea. There is a glut of opening books at the Starting Out level. These books have certainly been refreshing, but they have almost completely replaced high-level opening books.
As chess fans, we felt we were missing out, and because we can, we decided to do something about it.
The books in the Grandmaster Repertoire series are written by grandmasters, edited by grandmasters, and will certainly be read by grandmasters. This does not mean that players who are not grandmasters cannot read them. We have worked hard to make our books clear in their presentation and to make it possible for the readers to decide the depth to which they want to study them.
When we were young and trying to be up-and-coming, we understood that you do not have to remember everything in an opening book in order to use it. It is our hope that those readers who find this repertoire too extensive and detailed, will ignore many of the details. Even now that we are grandmasters, we see the bolded moves as what we want to memorize, and the notes as explanations and illustrations.
It is our conviction that you will eventually be more successful by playing the main lines, simply because they are based on better moves. Instinctively most players know this, but they fear losing to a prepared line and thus turn to unambitious systems, or unhealthy surprises. The opponent will not be able to use his preparation but, sadly, will not need it. These sidelines generally end in uninspiring positions almost automatically.
Possibly the main reason why high-level opening books have disappeared is the rise of databases. It has been assumed that there is no point in having traditional opening books anymore, as you can look it all up in the database. Some rather lazy authors have a system: collect a few hundred games from the database, give Fritz a few moments, then hit Print. Such books add nothing to chess literature. We have seen enough of them and have never wanted to add to that pile.
In these days of multi-million game databases, we all have access to information, what is lacking is understanding. In the Grandmaster Repertoire series, very strong players will share their understanding and suggest strong new moves that are in no one else's database.
We are excited about this new series and hope that the reader will share some of that excitement.
John Shaw & Jacob Aagaard
Content: 006 Key to symbols used & Bibliography
007 Foreword by Grandmaster Boris Gelfand
008 Bibliography
009 Foreword by the Author
The Bogo-Indian Defence
013 4...c5
019 4...Bxd2+
030 4...a5
036 4...Qe7
The Budapest Gambit
059 Farajowicz Variation
066 Classical Variation
Benoni Systems
092 Catalan Benoni
102 Snake Benoni
108 Benoni without ...Nf6
113 Reluctant Benoni
126 Czech Benoni
144 Old Benoni
164 Modern Benoni
201 Benko Gambit
The Dutch Defence
221 Stonewall Variation
243 Classical Variation
262 Leningrad Variation
289 St Petersburg Variation
The Grünfeld Defence
297 Dynamic Variation
337 Solid Variation
The King's Indian Defence
367 6...Bg4
370 6...Nc6 & 7...Bg4
379 6...Nc6 & 7...Bf5
387 6...Nc6 & 7...e5
400 6...Nc6 & 7...a6
414 6...Nc6 & 7...Rb8
426 6...c6
460 6...Nbd7
491 9..Qb6
The Modern Defence
501 Wade Defence
521 The Modern Defence
Minor Systems
538 2...b6
542 b-pawn Systems
556 English Defence
572 Black Knights Tango
578 Old Indian
587 Queen's Indian Attempt
593 Odd ideas
601 Index of Variations |