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School of Chess Excellence 4: Opening developments
Titel: School of Chess Excellence 4: Opening developments
Auteur: Dvoretsky
Jaartal: 2003
Taal: Engels
Aantal pagina's:   205
Verkoopprijs:   € 25.00
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007 Preface

Part eight

009The opening

011 Opening disasters

015 How a player develops

021 Risk in a decisive game

027 Playing for mate

035 An unrealised dream

043 Dubious innovations

048 'Your own theory '

056 Duels in the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence

062 The ball is in White's court

069 Opening subtleties

072 Exercises for analysis

Part nine


076 Who is attacking whom?

086 The accumulation of small advantages

095 Dispute of equals

102 A desperate struggle for the initiative

111 How to defeat Karpov

116 A positional sacrifice

122 Continuation of a discussion

134 What is meant by high class

142 A storm on the chess board

151 Uneven play

159 The treatment of hanging pawns

163 From the opening into the endgame

172 Advanced technique

181 Exercises for analysis

182 Solutions to exercises


202 Index of exercises by thinking skills and types of positions to be solved

204 Index of players

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